41 FAQs found |
Changes to Orientation requirements, January 2024
You may have heard that Orientation is having some significant changes and returning to a face-to-face session.
To answer some of your questions about this, the Learning, Leadership and Culture team has developed an FAQ to answer your questions.
How can I change my password?
If you are a RMH user, you will need to change your password in Active Directory, not the Learning Hub. This means you will need to contact our IT team at 934 28888.
If you have an external user account on the Learning Hub, change your password here.
Why can't I log in?
The most probable reason is that you have forgotten your password, are trying the wrong one, or have entered it incorrectly.
- Does your password include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and special characters? It must be entered exactly.
- Are cookies enabled on your browser?
Another potential issue is that you are trying to log in via the wrong method. We have a login for employees using your RMH credentials and a login for non-employees.
If you are trying to log in as an employee, the username you should use is your work email.
If you still can't log in, please contact us.
What will be my username and password?
If you are a staff member of Royal Melbourne Hospital, you will need to log in using the Employees option, and then enter your work email address and work password.
Anyone that has computer network access, will be able to log in this way (including students on placement).
Non-employees should receive login instructions. If you do not have a password, click on "Forgot username or password" on the login page.I am a new staff member, and don’t have a work email address or password yet–how do I login?
Welcome to RMH. If you are a new staff member, and have been sent your contract by the recruitment team, you will automatically receive an email from Learning Hub, with the information on how to access Learning Hub, advising you to log in as a “non-employee” option.
You will need to continue using the “non-employee” option until you have received your work email address and password. Your manager will request these from the IT helpdesk. When you have these, you will be able to use the “employees” login button.
I am a student on placement. How do I log in?
If you have computer network access, please log in as an Employee, using the email address and password provided to you by IT helpdesk.
If you have not been provided these, please see your placement supervisor.
IT created my email account today, but I can't use it to log into the Learning Hub. Why not?
Every morning, the Learning Hub receives data from both the HR and IT systems to generate and sync account data. This means that any changes made on either of those systems will not be received until the next day.
I am a new employee, and my non-employee login under my personal email isn't working. I'm not receiving a password reset email either.
This would be because your account has been turned into an employee account, under your RMH email address and network password. You should have received an automated email from ParkvillePrecinctHelp@rch.org.au about this log in. As it is automated, there is a chance this email has gone into either your junk/spam.
If you have not received the email, you may wish to check in with your manager as this email is also provided to them.
Should I use the employee login or the non-employee login?
The employee login is for people who have MH email/network accounts; while this is mainly for employees, students can be set up to have this access as well as honoraries. If you have an MH email, try this login method using your MH email and password. If not, try the non-employee login using the personal email you provided during onboarding.
I have an MH login, but when I log in it says “You have logged in successfully using network credentials as ‘first.last@mh.org.au' but we are unable to find an account with this username.”
There is two main reasons why this error may be coming up. Firstly, it may be because there is an issue with your RMH email account in IT’s system, the Active Directory. This could be because your email address doesn’t not have your employee number associated with it properly, or because your email and UPN entries on their system aren’t matching up. The other reason may be because the Learning Hub doesn’t have your account as an employee account yet; our system talks to IT’s system once a day, so if your IT account was just created or your email address was just changed, the Learning Hub may not have that updated information yet. In the meantime, we would suggest trying to log in as a non-employee.
There is also a small chance that our systems have crossed their wires in setting up your account, and that you have a non-employee account under your MH email address. If this is the case, please let us know so we can fix your account.I don’t know my password; what should I do?
If you have an employee account, you will need to reset your password through the IT Helpdesk, who can be contacted via HDRequest@mh.org.au or called on 924 28888. This is because the authentication is done against the RMH network, rather than the Learning Hub itself.
If you have a non-employee account, you can reset your password through the “Forgot username or password?” option. This will work even if you have never had a password with the Learning Hub in the past.
The password IT gave me for my email is not allowing me to log in to the Learning Hub. Why is this?
If you have gotten a new password for your RMH network login, either because your account is new or you have reset your password, you will need to login to either a work computer or your webmail to set a new password before you can log into the Learning Hub as an employee. Webmail can be found here: http://webmail.ssg.org.au/
As this is an issue with your Active Directory/email/network account, Learning Hub support cannot help you with this issue. If you need support changing your email password, please contact our IT (Consumer Success) team and ask for help with your network password.
- Phone: 934 28888 (7 am – 6 pm, weekdays)
- Email: HDRequest@mh.org.au
- Service Portal: ServiceNow
Logging in as an employee, I receive the error message "Your password has expired. Type your updated password and try again." What should I do?
If you are having this expiry issue, unfortunately, as this is an issue with your IT account, this can't be solved on the Learning Hub's end. You will need to do the following steps.
- Sign in to office.com using your RMH network password and email address
- Click on user profile in top right
- Click on View account
- Click on "change password"
- Make a new password
- Then try logging in to the Learning Hub again
As this is an issue with your Active Directory/email/network account, Learning Hub support cannot help you with this issue. If you need support changing your email password, please contact our IT (Consumer Success) team and ask for help with your network password.
- Phone: 934 28888 (7 am – 6 pm, weekdays)
- Email: HDRequest@mh.org.au
- Service Portal: ServiceNow
- Enter the email address that you supplied to recruitment, or the email address that your payslips get sent to.
- If you are not sure what email address this is, or need to update it, please contact Learning@mh.org.au
Why can't I log in from overseas?
Our IT (Consumer Success) team has a policy that restricts the employee login method to certain regions (they call this geo-blocking). This means that if you are trying to log in to Learning Hub from overseas, you may not be able to log in.
Why is this policy in place?
This restriction is designed to protect staff accounts and the organisation from cyber threats.
- Overseas locations are often targeted for unauthorised access attempts, including phishing and hacking.
- By limiting access to trusted regions, our IT and Cybersecurity teams can reduce the risk of sensitive information being compromised.
I really need to log in to Learning Hub from overseas - how can I log in?
To help protect your account and maintain access while traveling overseas, the IT team recommends that all staff inform them of their travel plans by logging a request in ServiceNow in advance of their travel.
How to Log Your Travel Plans in ServiceNow:
Follow these simple steps:
- Go to ServiceNow using this link: https://rchauprod.service-now.com/phssp
- Click Request something.
- On the left-hand side menu, select ICT.
- Choose Inform Digital Innovation of upcoming overseas travel.
- Fill out the form and click Submit.
The IT (Cybersecurity) team will review your request, and:
- If your destination is in a "green zone," it will be automatically approved.
- If it’s in an "amber" or "red zone," the team will assess and update your ticket with an outcome.
Why do I need to tell IT of my overseas travel?
Protecting Your Account
If the IT system detects unusual login activity (like signing in from a different country), your account could be temporarily disabled for security reasons. Letting us know your travel plans helps our team recognise legitimate activity and avoid disruptions.Maintaining Access During Security Incidents
In case of major security threats, we might need to tighten restrictions on overseas access. If we know about your travel plans, we can ensure you keep access to essential services like email and Office 365.Extra Monitoring for Your Security
While you’re traveling, our Cybersecurity team can monitor your account for suspicious activity, giving you added protection.
Need Help?
If you have questions or need assistance, contact our the IT (Digital Consumer Success) team:
- Phone: 934 28888 (7 am – 6 pm, weekdays)
- Email: HDRequest@mh.org.au
- Service Portal: ServiceNow
- Intranet: Intranet Link
How can I find more training?
Using the top-menu, click on: Find learning > Tile view.
You may also view using list view, or Coming Up.
Search for a course by searching by name or description, or press the teal Refine button, to filter even more.
When you find a learning that you are interested in, tick the image and at the top, click on Enrol all.
Where can I go to get a course completion certificate?
When you are logged in to Learning Hub, please use the top menu and click My learning > Course completion certificates; you will be able to download a certificate for any courses you have completed on the Learning Hub.Changes to Mandatory Training and Annual Discussions, July 2023
You may have heard that mandatory training is having some significant changes.
To answer some of your questions about this, we have developed a few documents containing the key messages and the answers to some of the questions we've been asked.
- Changes to Mandatory Training and Annual Discussions - Key messages for employees
- Changes to Mandatory Training and Annual Discussions - Key messages for managers
- Learning Hub - Manager FAQs
I have certificates of course completion from another health service, can you mark my training off?
If you have completion certificates from another health service, please go to your manager first, as they need to approve any recognition of prior learning. From there, they can mark you off as complete.
How can I have my preferred name put onto my Learning Hub account?
We source preferred names where possible from the HR system. If you have a name you prefer to use over your legal name, you can have this updated by logging into Success Factors and updating your personal details. Please note that we get these updates daily, so any updates made on the HR system won't flow to the Learning Hub until after the next day or two.