39 FAQs found

How can I find more training?

Using the top-menu, click on: Find learning > Tile view. 

You may also view using list view, or Coming Up. 

Search for a course by searching by name or description, or press the teal Refine button, to filter even more. 

When you find a learning that you are interested in, tick the image and at the top, click on Enrol all. 

Where can I go to get a course completion certificate?

When you are logged in to Learning Hub, please use the top menu and click My learning > Course completion certificates; you will be able to download a certificate for any courses you have completed on the Learning Hub.

How can I enable popups?

Enabling popups for our site varies from browser to browser. Please see the below guides for our supported browsers.


Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge

How do I install a PDF reader?

Click on the graphic below to go to the Adobe Reader download site:Adobe PDF reader

How can I report a technical problem?

If you have a technical problem, please submit a support request here.

What Browser do I need to access the Learning Hub?

To check your Browser's compatibility with the Learning Hub, please click here to receive the Browser compatibility report.

How do I set up Microsoft/Google Authenticator for Second/Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?

First note that you only need an authenticator if you are authenticating via the LMS (i.e. are not using a RMH network login and Single Sign On). Our recommendation is to use the Microsoft Authenticator, but the Google Authenticator will also work.

The procedure to set up Microsoft Authenticator is as follows:

  1. Install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone.
  2. After installing the app, open your Learning Hub user profile and use your phone to scan the QR code in your User Details section. In the top right, click on the + and choose the option for "Other account (Google, Facebook, etc.)". This will allow you to link your Learning Hub account to the Authenticator app on your phone. 

The procedure to set up Google Authenticator is as follows:

To complete your account setup, please complete these two steps:

  1. Go to the Apple Store (iOS) or the Google Play Store (Android) to install the "Google Authenticator" app on your phone.
  2. After installing the app, open your Learning Hub user profile and use your phone to scan the QR code in your User Details section. To scan the QR code on the app, click on the + in the bottom right, and select "Scan a QR Code". This will allow you to link your Learning Hub account to the Authenticator app on your phone. 

After you have followed the above instructions to set up two factor authentication, each time you log into the Learning Hub you will be able to open the Authenticator app and obtain your authenticator token when prompted to do so. 

For further assistance, please contact Learning Hub support.

Pop-ups are being blocked, so I can't see a training. What do I do?

For this, we suggest that you enable pop-ups for the Learning Hub. How you do this will depend on your browser however. Here are some instructions for our suggested browsers:

Why is the "ID number" field an old employee number?

Between systems, we use "ID number" to identify a person, and this is always someone's first employee number, rather than their current employee number(s). This is because what employee numbers are active can always change, but the first employee number someone has will always be the same.

How can I get a course created for the Learning Hub?

If you want a course created for the Learning Hub, you will need to complete the eLearning Package Development Form. From there, our team will be in touch to assist you with your learning needs! You can find more information on the Intranet, however this requires your to be connected to The RMH network.

I need the ability to see reports or mark off training (such as annual discussions). How can I get this?

Please contact our team at Learning@mh.org.au, and someone will get back to you to assist.

Once you have the ability to do this, this guide will show you how to make reports, and this guide will show you how to tick off training such as annual discussions.

How do I check reports for staff completion?

You may continue to use IRIS for checking staff completion based on cost-centre. 

The Learning Hub also has the capability to show you a staff completion report, for the staff that report to you. 

When you log in to Learning Hub, choose the tile Manager & leaders reports (direct) to show mandatory training progression.

You can also create custom reports Manager certification completion status overview (all of RMH) to see people who are not listed as your reports, if you have access.

How is training allocated automatically?

The Learning Hub will allocate mandatory training based on the role a staff member is employed as, as well as the area/ward/program they are employed to work in. 

The training that is allocated is based upon the core role training, as described in the Mandatory Training Schedule MH09.03.02a

Some training will need to be allocated manually, for example Area Warden training.

How can I get a training automatically allocated to staff under my cost centre?

Our friendly Learning Hub staff will be able to set up an audience for you which handles this. Please contact Learning@mh.org.au. We will need to know what training needs to be allocated to which cost centres, as well as information on what roles need the training.

How does the Learning Hub know who my staff are?

Learning Hub gets this information primarily from the information recorded in the HR system SAP, which is updated on a daily basis. This is based on cost centre. This does mean that some staff such as students or graduates on rotation may not show up under your team.

How can I backdate a training such as an annual discussion? How do I mark off a training that isn't in the Enter Completion menu? How do I enter RPL?

Although it is a bit more complicated than the normal method, you can backdate a training by entering in a training date with a longer method, using this guide.

How can I provide someone with an extra attempt at a quiz?

You can do this by following the steps in this guide, provided you have the right permissions on the course.

I keep receiving emails from the Learning Hub about people completing quizzes, how can I turn these off?

You are receiving these notifications as you are enrolled in a course with trainer level access. This access allows you to view quiz progression and override quiz results.

If you are receiving these emails in error, and are not a trainer, please email Learning@mh.org.au 

If you are a trainer and do not wish to receive these emails, you can turn these off in your Learning Hub message preferences:

  1. Go to message preferences page in Learning Hub: https://learninghub.mh.org.au/message/edit.php
  2. Click on the green-coloured On buttons, and change them to a grey-coloured Off

I have staff paid under a clinical classification, but they are non-clinical (e.g., a nurse in a research role). How can I get the clinical training removed from their account?

When setting up our automatic allocations, we set them up with the information our team has available. This means we couldn't easily identify each cost centre that was a non-clinical cost centre, and especially not individual staff members.
If you have non-clinical staff assigned clinical training, please contact Learning@mh.org.au with the following information:

    • which staff need to be marked as non-clinical
    • is this a rule that is applicable across an entire cost centre, and if so what cost centre
    • a few examples of training that should not be applied to that staff member.
Before contacting us, please refer to the mandatory training schedule.
In the meantime, you may advise your staff to disregard reminders for training you believe is not relevant.

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